Tummy Tuck in Bangkok | Achieve a Flatter Stomach at Rattinan Clinic

Tummy Tuck in Thailand

Excess fat and loose skin around the stomach are common concerns for many individuals. Despite a healthy diet and regular exercise, targeting specific areas for fat loss is nearly impossible, and loose skin often persists. As a result, many people turn to cosmetic surgery, specifically a tummy tuck or abdominoplasty, to achieve their desired body contour. If you are considering a tummy tuck in Thailand, this guide will walk you through everything you need to know, from the procedure itself to finding the best surgeons in Bangkok.

What is a Tummy Tuck?

A tummy tuck, also known as abdominoplasty, is a surgical procedure designed to remove excess skin and fat from the abdominal area while tightening the underlying muscles. During the surgery, the surgeon eliminates loose skin between the pubic bone and navel, often incorporating liposuction to remove stubborn fat deposits. Additionally, the abdominal muscles are sutured together, creating a firmer, flatter stomach. The result is a toned and sculpted midsection that enhances your overall appearance.

Why Do People Get Tummy Tucks?

The decision to undergo a tummy tuck is highly personal, and individuals may have different motivations for seeking the procedure. Common reasons include:

  • Weight Loss: After losing a considerable amount of weight, especially after gastric bypass surgery, excess skin often remains. A tummy tuck can remove this skin, providing a smoother contour.
  • Aging: As we age, skin loses its elasticity, leading to sagging in the abdominal area. A tummy tuck can restore a youthful appearance.
  • Pregnancy: Pregnancy can stretch the skin and muscles of the abdomen, resulting in loose skin and weakened muscles. A tummy tuck can repair these issues, especially following a C-section.
  • Genetics: Some individuals naturally have poor skin elasticity or low collagen levels, which can result in excess skin and fat in the abdominal region.

A tummy tuck not only improves physical appearance but can also boost self-confidence and help individuals feel more comfortable in their own skin.

Tummy Tuck Benefits

A tummy tuck addresses more than just excess skin and fat; it can also correct several underlying issues that may affect your overall health and appearance. Here are five key benefits of a tummy tuck:

  • Removal of Excess Fat: After procedures like liposuction, some fat may remain under the skin. A tummy tuck can eliminate this leftover fat.
  • Tightening Loose Skin: For those with droopy skin that cannot be corrected through non-surgical methods, a tummy tuck offers a permanent solution.
  • Improving Belly Button Shape: A tummy tuck can correct a low or misshapen belly button, enhancing the overall aesthetics of the abdomen.
  • Repairing Abdominal Muscles: Whether due to bloating, weight gain, or other factors, weakened abdominal muscles can be repaired during a tummy tuck, resulting in a firmer midsection.
  • Creating a Defined Waistline: A tummy tuck can reshape the waist, especially if lateral lumbar muscles have expanded, giving you a more contoured silhouette.

Choosing the Best Tummy Tuck in Thailand

When it comes to finding the best tummy tuck in Thailand, it’s crucial to choose a surgeon and medical facility that prioritize patient safety and satisfaction. Rattinan Medical Center in Bangkok stands out as a top choice for those seeking abdominoplasty. Established in 1999, Rattinan Medical Center is the only ambulatory plastic surgery facility in Thailand accredited by the American Accreditation Commission International (AACI). This accreditation ensures that the center adheres to the highest standards of patient care and safety.

At Rattinan Medical Center, a team of highly skilled plastic surgeons, led by Dr. Jatuporn Suesat, specializes in providing comprehensive tummy tuck procedures. Whether you’re looking to correct a sagging stomach, remove stubborn wrinkles, or tighten your abdominal muscles, Rattinan Medical Center offers customized solutions tailored to your needs.


The surgeon who performs the treatment

Jatuporn Suesat, M.D, FRCST


  • Doctor of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine Siriraj Hospital Mahidol University
  • Board-certified in Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Thailand, 2020 
  • Member, Thai Society of Plastic ad Reconstructive Surgery
  • ATLS course certification, 2015
  • Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon, Royal Thai Air Force Medical Department Bhumibol Adulyadej Hospital
  • Plastic and reconstructive surgeons Chulalongkorn Hospital Faculty of Medicine

Full Tummy Tuck Package at Rattinan Medical Center

full tummy tuck

The Full Tummy Tuck Package offered by Rattinan Medical Center is an all-inclusive surgery that provides a complete transformation in one procedure. The package includes:

  • Abdominal Liposuction: Removes excess fat to create a flatter stomach.
  • S-Waist Liposuction: Narrows the waist for a more proportional shape.
  • Muscle Restructuring: Tightens abdominal muscles, resulting in a narrower waist and improved posture.
  • Skin Surgery: Removes excess skin and tightens the remaining skin, effectively concealing cesarean scars if necessary.
  • Belly Button Reshaping: Moves and reshapes the belly button for optimal placement.

Bonuses Included in the Package:

  • Physical Examination
  • Post-Surgery Medication (valued at 3,500 baht)
  • Follow-Up Examinations with a doctor and a beauty specialist nurse
  • Compression Suit for Recovery (valued at 4,500 baht)
  • Three Pulsed Dye Laser Sessions to reduce scarring (valued at 9,000 baht)
  • Seroma Removal Sessions (valued at 9,000 baht)
  • Four-Day, Three-Night Hospital Stay in a private room
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Mini Tummy Tuck Package

mini tummy tuck

For individuals with a less severe case of abdominal sagging, the Mini Tummy Tuck Package might be a suitable option. This procedure involves a smaller incision near the pubic bone and focuses solely on the lower abdomen. It does not involve repositioning the belly button and leaves a smaller scar, making it ideal for those with minimal sagging. However, it may not be suitable for those with more extensive sagging beyond the lower stomach.

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Preparing for a Tummy Tuck in Bangkok

  1. If you’re considering a tummy tuck in Bangkok, proper preparation is key to a successful outcome. Here’s how to prepare for your abdominoplasty:
    1. Schedule a Physical Exam: Ensure you’re in good health and a suitable candidate for surgery.
    2. Stop Smoking: Cease smoking and avoid vitamins, dietary supplements, hormones, or blood clot-dissolving drugs for at least two weeks before surgery.
    3. Modify Your Diet: In the 24 to 48 hours leading up to surgery, consume light or liquid foods to minimize bloating.
    4. Take Antibiotics: Start a course of antibiotics one to two days before surgery to prevent infection.
    5. Fasting: Stop drinking water and eating food eight hours before surgery.
    6. Day of Surgery: On the day of your tummy tuck, you will be prepped for surgery with a Povidone scrub and a thorough cleanse of the navel area.

Tummy Tuck Recovery

  1. Recovery from a tummy tuck requires diligent care and patience. After surgery, you will need to wear a compression garment, such as a tummy tuck belt, to support the healing process. Here’s what to expect:
  • Initial Garment Wear: Wear the compression garment 24 hours a day for the first three days.
  • Long-Term Wear: After the initial period, continue wearing the garment for 12 hours a day during the daytime.
  • Follow-Up Appointments: You will have several follow-up appointments to monitor your recovery, including one day post-op, two weeks post-op, and laser treatments to minimize scarring.
Tummy Tuck Recovery

FAQs About Tummy Tuck

What is the recovery time for a tummy tuck in Thailand?
Recovery from a tummy tuck typically takes several weeks. Most patients can return to light activities within two weeks but should avoid strenuous exercise for at least six weeks.

How much does a tummy tuck cost in Bangkok?
At Rattinan Medical Center, the cost of a mini tummy tuck starts at approximately $3,000. Prices may vary depending on the complexity of the procedure.

Is a tummy tuck painful?
With the use of continuous anesthetic lines, pain is minimal. Most patients report discomfort rather than severe pain, and the need for strong painkillers like morphine is reduced.

Can I combine a tummy tuck with other procedures?
Yes, many patients choose to combine a tummy tuck with liposuction or breast surgery to achieve a comprehensive body contouring result.

What are the risks of a tummy tuck?
Like any surgery, a tummy tuck carries risks, including infection, scarring, and complications related to anesthesia. Choosing a reputable clinic like Rattinan Medical Center minimizes these risks.

How do I care for my tummy tuck scar?
Post-surgery, your surgeon will recommend silicone sheets, such as the Embrace brand, to support the incision and prevent scar stretching. Laser treatments can also help reduce the appearance of scars.

what is tummy tuck - the best tummy tuck in thailand

Liposuction vs Tummy Tuck

Liposuction is a surgery that removes fat from various parts of the body. It’s suitable for visible excess fat that is hard to reduce via diet and exercise. It’s a safe procedure that offers instant results and can provide patients with a toned look. Abdominal liposuction can help create an attractive midsection and even showcase your six-pack, but it’s only suitable for people in reasonably good health with a limited amount of belly fat.

An abdominoplasty can remove excess skin and fat, as well as tighten the skin into place. Lipo without tummy tuck can only remove fat – it cannot remove excess. Additionally, only a tummy tuck can correct wrinkled or sagging skin – lipo cannot. The abdomen is full of layers of skin and muscles, so fat and wrinkles may still remain after lipo, requiring a tummy tuck.

Should I Get A Tummy Tuck or Liposuction?

Since the abdomen is multilayered, liposuction is best for people with a small protruding stomach. For more complex issues, like a large bloated belly or a larger belly due to childbirth, a tummy tuck may be needed to address the excess fat and skin.

Similarly, saggy skin that is a result of massive weight loss is hard to tighten with just liposuction and could be completely corrected with a tummy tuck. It’s important to note that people currently losing weight can potentially control how much their skin sags. Research has found that people who lose weight by consuming a diet with poor nutrition tend to have less collagen and saggier skin.

If you’re not sure whether a tummy tuck or liposuction is best for you, make an appointment for a free exam at Rattinan Medical Center.

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revirew tummy tuck thailand

A tummy tuck in Thailand, particularly in Bangkok at Rattinan Medical Center, offers a life-changing opportunity to achieve a firmer, more toned abdomen. Whether you’re dealing with loose skin after weight loss, post-pregnancy changes, or simply want to enhance your body’s contours, a tummy tuck can provide the solution you need. With expert care and state-of-the-art facilities, Rattinan Medical Center ensures a safe and satisfying experience, helping you achieve your aesthetic goals.


Tummy Tuck Surgery Before and After

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Treatment Details

Alert : Common complications that can occur after surgery include: Bleeding, infection Or that inflammation They differ depending on the physical condition of each person. Therefore, caution should be followed strictly.

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Along with a team of expert doctors
Established 1999

Accredited by AACI (American Accreditation Commission International) 2021- current

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